Car Accidents

The road to recovery after an accident is not always a peaceful journey. Don't settle; let Breslow Law Offices fight for you.

Car Accident Lawyer Newark NJ

Nearly every driver can expect to be involved in at least a few motor vehicle accidents in his or her lifetime. While most auto accidents are minor, serious, and fatal accidents happen far more often than they should. Unfortunately, you could be the victim of another driver’s negligence and deal with pain and suffering for years because of it. Although you can’t control the actions of a dangerous or negligent driver, you have the legal right to work with a car accident lawyer Newark NJ to pursue financial compensation.

Attorney Roy Breslow is a Newark NJ accident lawyer with 45 years of experience.

“Breslow Law Offices have a passion for client relationship and have spent decades fighting for the people in New Jersey. Together we’re equipped to pursue a personal injury lawsuit against the other driver on your behalf. Depending on the circumstances of your accident, you could be eligible to file a New Jersey Personal Injury Protection (PIP) claim as well.”Roy Breslow, Personal Injury Lawyer, Breslow Law Offices

Examples Of Damages The Attorneys Breslow Can Help You To Recover Include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of physical relationship with a partner
  • Past, current, and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages, including the opportunity for advancement or the requirement to accept fewer hours or a lower-paying position to accommodate your injuries
  • Wrongful death if you have lost a close family member due to someone else’s negligence
  • Punitive damages if the actions of the other party were especially reckless or egregious

It’s in your best interest to schedule a free consultation with our car accident lawyers Newark NJ as soon as possible 973-239-8000. This is because the statute of limitations for personal injury in New Jersey gives you only two years from the date of the accident to initiate a claim. While two years might sound like a long time, our personal injury lawyers need as much time as possible to research and prove your claim before filing the lawsuit against the other party.

What Should You Do After a Car Accident?

Obtaining medical help for injured accident victims should always take priority after a car accident. If anyone in your car appears injured, call 911 but don’t move the person.

“Obtaining medical care for yourself is critical if you plan to work with our car accident lawyer Newark to file a personal injury lawsuit. This is true even if you don’t have obvious injuries. Keep in mind that some injuries, such as whiplash and concussion, don’t always present symptoms right away.”Roy Breslow, Personal Injury Lawyer, Breslow Law Offices

If you fail to visit a doctor and then file a claim later, insurance companies representing the other party may argue that your injuries aren’t all that serious. Your doctor is the best person to determine if you have injuries that require treatment as well as the course of treatment you should follow.

The next thing you need to do after a car accident is to notify your insurance company. You only need to provide the agent with basic facts regarding how the accident happened. Remember that you’re under no obligation to accept a settlement should your own insurance company or the insurance company representing the other party offer you one.

It’s always best to consult with your Newark NJ lawyer Roy Breslow or Casey Breslow since they’re in the business of representing clients and not insurance companies. Unfortunately, it’s common for insurers to offer a low-dollar settlement in hopes of making the case go away.

You will need to obtain a copy of the police report for insurance purposes and if you intend to file a claim. The law enforcement agency that responded to the crash should be able to provide you with this information. Additionally, be sure to hang onto receipts for all expenses related to your accident such as repair and medical bills.

Finally, Breslow Law Offices recommends writing down everything you can remember from the accident as soon as possible and avoid posting about it on social media. The insurance agent or attorney representing the other party may use anything you post publicly against you.

Why You Should Hire a Car Accident Lawyer

It’s common after a Newark car accident for people to think they can handle a personal injury case by just accepting the insurance company’s offer.

“The more we serve clients, the more we see that insurance companies just don’t have their best interests at heart. While you need funds to pay medical expenses, recover lost wages, and deal with the other expense of a serious car accident in Newark NJ, insurance companies only want to save money.”Roy Breslow, Personal Injury Lawyer, Breslow Law Offices

We invite you to take advantage of our years of experience negotiating car accident settlements to avoid having an insurance company take advantage of your situation.

As Your Car Accident Lawyer Newark NJ, Roy Breslow Or Casey Breslow Will Assist You With The Following:

  • Investigate the crash: Unfortunately, both the police and insurance company report of the crash may contain bias. Your attorney at Breslow Law office will conduct a much more thorough investigation that could include interviewing witnesses, hiring an accident reconstruction specialist, and gathering evidence from the crash scene.
  • Help you explore your options: We will always be honest with you regarding whether it’s worth your time and effort to pursue a personal injury lawsuit. If you decide to move forward, we will give you a realistic timeline of all the steps involved.
  • Review medical and other damages: After reviewing your medical records, your car accident lawyer Newark NJ will consult with medical, mental health, and financial experts to determine the true extent of your losses.
  • File paperwork with insurance companies, courts, and others.
  • Negotiate a settlement with the other party’s insurance company or take the case to court if necessary.

Get Help from Our Car Accident Lawyers Today

It’s our sincere desire to see you recover the financial compensation you deserve to put your life together after dealing with the consequences of a serious car accident. You have already been a victim once. Don’t be a victim twice by settling for less than you deserve.

Contact Breslow Law Office today 973-239-8000 to request a free review of your car accident case.


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Breslow Law Offices helps individuals and families across New Jersey navigate through important, life-changing events